ProHealth Integrated Medical Care in Atlanta

ProHealth Integrated Medical provides quality chiropractic care and back pain treatment for people suffering from injuries, stress, or accidents.

We provide medical care to victims of auto accident injury, neck pain, arm and shoulder pain, back pain, leg and foot pain, headaches, numbness and tingling, herniated discs, work, sports related injuries, computer fatigue, repetitive motion injuries, as well as general stress!

Medical Neck Pain Atlanta
On-Site Medical Care

Being a multi-disciplinary office we have many specialties working with patients. For a patient that may be needing medical management, knowing that this is onsite and available is comforting.

On-Site Diagnostic Imaging

chest-xray-atlantaUsing plain film X-Ray techniques and Ultrasound imaging we can determine the probable cause of involvement. It also allows us to recommend correctice care, and the ability to perform these are vital to care plan. As necessary, a board certified radiologist will review and provide a written impression.

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